Obamas Presidential Physical Exam

Click here to view the official memorandam of “The President’s First Periodic Physical Exam as President”, prepared by the Physician to the President, Capt Jeffrey Kuhlman, MC, FS, USN.

President Barack Obama completed his first routine periodic physical examination as President of the United States on February 28, 2010, at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. The purposes of this year’s exam were:

  • to provide the President every opportunity to enjoy the benefits of good health, now and for years to come, and
  • to provide the public with a candid medical assessment of the President’s ability to carry out the duties of his office, now and for the duration of his tenure.

The President’s previous physical examination was completed in July 2008, under the supervision ofthe Attending Physician to Congress. This year’s examination focused on evidence-based screening prevention and primary care, targeted to the President as an individual and his occupation.

The President is in excellent health and “fit for duty”. All clinical data indicate that he will remain so for the duration of his Presidency.

The President completed all age-appropriate screening tests, to include colorectal cancer screening. A CT-colonography was performed with normal results.

Follow-up colorectal cancer screening is recommended in 5 years for routine colon cancer screening.

Continue smoking cessation efforts, a daily exercise program, healthy diet, moderation in alcohol intake, periodic dental care, and remain up-to-date with recommended immunizations.

Continue modified exercise regimen, and lower extremity muscle strengthening program, for occasional left patella-femoral pain secondary to chronic tendonitis.

Recommend dietary modification to reduce LDL cholesterol below 130.

Past Medical History
No significant illnesses

Past Surgical History

Occasional use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, associated with physical activity
Malaria chemoprophylaxis associated with travel to areas with malaria
Nicotine replacement therapy, self-use
Jet lag/time zone management, direct physician prescribed program, occasional medication use

Up-to-date for recommended routine, global travel, and influenza (seasonal and 2009 H1N1) immunizations

Physical Examination

Vital Statistics
Age: 48 years old
Height: 73 inches
Weight: 179.9 pounds (with shoes and workout attire)
Body Mass Index: 23.7
Resting heart rate (seated): 56
Resting blood pressure (seated): 105/62
Pulse-oximetry: 98% (room air)
Temperature: 97.8 degrees F

System-specific Examination Summary
ENT (ears, nose, throat): Normal exam ofthe head, ears, pharynx, neck, and thyroid. Thyroid function tests were normal.
Eyes: Full optometric exam was completed, no ocular pathology was discovered. Visual fields were normal. Uncorrected visual acuity (distant and near) was 20/20 in both eyes. Glaucoma screening was completed. Mild myopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia were noted, but did not warrant correction.
Pulmonary: Lungs were clearto auscultation.
Gastrointestinal: Normal, to include CT-colonography.
Cardiology: Normal, to include EKG and EBCT. Lipid profile with Total Cholesterol 209, Triglyceride 46, HDl62, lDl138, VlDl9 and Total Cholesterol to HDL ratio of 3.4.
Homocysteine 11.6 and CRP ultrasensitive 0.015, FBS 87
Dermatology: Benign
Musculoskeletal: Normal, except for left knee with mild patella crepitus and grind, some weakness of hip external rotation on left side with minimal weakness on “step down” bilaterally.
Neurological: No foca l deficits
Genitourinary System: Exam was normal without evidence of prostate nodularity or hypertrophy. PSAwas 0.70 (normal < 4.0).

Laboratory Data
A standard battery of routine screening laboratory tests was performed and were within the normal range.